Monday, April 19, 2021

Assassins' Mace & An Urgent Call To Action

 An Illegitimate President, Executive Orders, & Nullification

by Daniel Navejas, Apostolic Overseer of The Ekklesia of Oklahoma  


It is imperative that before the readers of this article read any further, they understand up front, that I am writing intentionally from an overtly Christian bias.

 Joe Biden is an illegitimate president, period!   

  According to a Gallup Poll conducted April 23rd - May 23rd 2019, 59% of Americans did NOT have confidence in the upcoming 2020 elections.

  Politico stats tell us that 70% of “...republicans say they don’t believe the 2020 election was free and fair... ”.

  In the outstanding Health & Freedom Gathering that took place in Tulsa April 16-17th, which packed in more than 4K people and reached over 3 million world wide, American entrepreneur Patrick Byrne, former CEO of, declared that more than 60% of Americans believe the election was stolen by the intentional actions of the Communist China Party by simply hijacking 6 of the 3,006 counties in the United States.


Michael Pillsbury suggests in his book "The Hundred-Year Marathon" that the People's Liberation Army strategists talk about developing a Shāshǒujiàn, 


杀手锏 "Assassin's Mace" to supplant these United States of America. The Assassin's Mace that Pillsbury describes is not a single tool or military equipment, but a group of technologies or strategies to overtake the United States in one single attack.


The Shāshǒujiàn, 杀手锏 Assassin’s Mace, is a Chinese term composed of the characters for "kill", "hand", and "mace". This term has its roots in ancient Chinese folklore, which recounts how a hero wielding such a weapon managed to infiltrate and overcome a far more powerful adversary. "Shashou Jian" was a club with which the "assassin" incapacitated his enemy, suddenly and totally, instead of fighting him according to "the rules" or on the battle field. In essence the idea is simple, remove the leader and the nation is free for the taking. 


Through the well thought out, global Shāshǒujiànn effort, the 2020 fraudulent election and plandemic has successfully broken down our American principles, values and borders. Our Declaration of Independence, The Constitution of These United States, and our State Constitutions mean nothing as a rouge federal government daily opens our borders, physical, economically, technologically, educationally etc., to Communist China and all Anti-America enemies. Through federal overreach and infringement; unconstitutional executive orders, wicked Supreme Court opinions, and bogus legislation passed by congress foreign nations benefit at the expense of hard working and tax paying Americans. 


Many of these elitist are controlled by satanic worshiping, "pizza eating" pedophiles who thrive off of adrenochrome, the shedding of innocent blood, sex with children, and human sacrifice. If this is new concept to you, I encourage your to jump down the rabbit hole and begin to research these accusations for yourself. These elitist, are protected by cowardly RINOs who claim to be conservatives, and even worse, they claim the name of Jesus Christ. Yet, given the opportunity to stand, the RINO caves to pressures, lobbyists, and global puppet masters; Oklahoma Senator James Lankford is a perfect example of this, as he betrayed our President, Donald J. Trump, making easy the passage of the communist agenda to advance within our borders. Somewhere we have forgotten the battle we face is much more than parties or policy. It’s about the Kingdom of God and the Kingdom of Darkness and the darkness beloved, is being exposed by the light right now in this very hour! You will only need to determine what side you are on. 


In the recent months, the UnElected Joe Bidenhead of the American Communist Party has signed a flurry of executive orders, actions, and memorandums using the plandemic as a covering to primarily dismantle many of the current President of the Constitutional United States of America, Donald J. Trump's, policies and further weaken us Americans. 


History has a silly way of repeating itself and woe to the generation who fails to remember it and fails teach their children the tactics of Lucifer and the truth of Almighty God and Jesus Christ; The Messiah, Son of Yahweh, who came, lived a sinless life, was crucified and buried and resurrected by the Holy Spirit and is alive forevermore offering forgiveness of sins and eternal life to whomsoever will put their faith in Him and repent of their sins.


These satanic tactics are timeless and so predictable, a myriad of books have been written on the subject of them over there years. These principalities change names, places, and appearances but they all carry the common theme pride, greed, and death just to name a few. Politically they look like this:


✔ Devaluation of human life

✔ Deception

✔ Idolatry 

✔ Innocent bloodshed

✔ To divide & conquer

✔ Destroying or rewriting of history

✔ Creating chaos, violence and upheaval

✔ The worshipping of demons

✔ Human sacrifice

✔ Sexual immorality i.e. homosexuality, pedophilia, beastiality

   The disarming of citizens in order to completely enslave and control them. 


As many us of us know, the fictitious president, who resides in the White House under the authority of communist China, has made WAR on ammo and guns and seeks to disarm law abiding citizens to render us helpless to defend and fight against all enemies foreign and domestic. Beloved, it’s not about safety nor peace, it’s about stopping the Gospel of Jesus Christ from departing the Greatest Nation of the world which has sent more missionaries, food, education, and charity than any other nation in the world all in the name of Christ. It’s about ushering in a new world order under the power and control of God haters. (Psalm 2) It’s always been about this, but God laughs! 


What should our reasonable response be as Christian Americans in response to such Tyranny? There are some who believe we just simply lay down and allow these Godless heathens to run over and trample us underfoot, misquoting and misunderstanding Romans 13. (for more information on this subject I suggest the 2 following books: The Doctrine of Lesser Magistrates & Unlimited Submission )


“Let every soul be subject to the governing authorities. For there is no authority except from God, and the authorities that exist are appointed by God. Therefore whoever resists the authority resists the ordinance of God, and those who resist will bring judgment on themselves. For rulers are not a terror to good works, but to evil. Do you want to be unafraid of the authority? Do what is good, and you will have praise from the same. For he is God’s minister to you for good. But if you do evil, be afraid; for he does not bear the sword in vain; for he is God’s minister, an avenger to execute wrath on him who practices evil.”o

Romans 13:1-4 NKJV


The reality, we are NOT under rulers, kings or emperors as existed in the time of this God inspired writ. We vote for and hire public servants namely to secure our rights. We are a constitutional republic, a government of WE THE PEOPLE! However, the principles of this passage of scriptures is still totally applicable today under The Declaration of Independence issued to a tyrannical England by the Patriots (fathers) of this great nation. 


In Congress, July 4, 1776


The unanimous Declaration of the thirteen united States of America. 

When in the Course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another, and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation.


We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.--That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, --That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness. Prudence, indeed, will dictate that Governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly all experience hath shewn, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed. But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security.” Declaration of Independence July 4th 1776 


Here we can see we have the God given and Biblically sound responsibility and right according to the Declaration of Independence to ignore the tyrants and when necessary fight against them.


Am I suggesting we go to war? No. Not yet and hopefully not ever!  However, I do believe we are standing on the precipice of such a notion if we do not act now and reclaim America by reclaiming our States first! We must never forget we are not a nation of the United States but we are a Union of Sovereign States known as These United States of America. 


We must act now and urgently demand our legislators do their jobs, uphold their office oaths, or demand their immediate resignations. All RINOs must replace them with God fearing, uncompromising Patriots who will fight for, defend, and secure our rights!  


Every elected official in office swears by an oath oath. Example:





Officers required to take oath or affirmation - Form.


All public officers, before entering upon the duties of their offices, shall take and subscribe to the following oath or affirmation:


"I, _________, do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support,

obey, and defend the Constitution of the United States, and the

Constitution of the State of Oklahoma, and that I will not,

knowingly, receive, directly or indirectly, any money or other

valuable thing, for the performance or nonperformance of any act or

duty pertaining to my office, other than the compensation allowed by

law; I further swear (or affirm) that I will faithfully discharge my

duties as _________ to the best of my ability."


The Legislature may prescribe further oaths or affirmations.

Amended by State Question No. 466, Legislative Referendum No. 178,

adopted at election held on Sept. 9, 1969.




Administration and filing of oath - Refusal to take - False swearing.


The foregoing oath shall be administered by some person authorized to administer oaths, and in the case of State officers and judges of the Supreme Court, shall be filed in the office of the Secretary of State, and in case of other judicial and county officers, in the office of the clerk of the county in which the same is taken; any person refusing to ktake said oath, or affirmation, shall forfeit his office, and any person who shall have been convicted of having sworn or affirmed falsely, or having violated said oath, or affirmation, shall be guilty of perjury, and shall be disqualified from holding any office of trust or profit within the State.  The oath to members of the Senate and House of Representatives shall be administered in the hall of the house to be which the members shall have been elected, by one of the judges of the Supreme Court, or in case no such judge is present, then by any person authorized to administer oaths.


Why is all this important and what does it have to do with China, an illegitimate President, Executive Orders,and nullification? And why is Oklahoma's Senator Pro Ten Greg Treat in the title picture above? Keep reading friend. 


  1. China seeks to take over America from the inside out without ever shooting a bullet; the Shāshǒujiàn, 杀手锏 Assassin’s, fraudulent election.  
  2. Biden is aggressively working to disarm Americans through executive orders. 
  3. We have a system of Government that has been established by our founding fathers to deal with such tyranny and government overreach. 


It’s called the 10th Amendment! The Tenth Amendment helps to define the concept of federalism, the relationship between Federal and State governments.


Amendment X

The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the states, are reserved to the states respectively, or to the people.


Right now in Oklahoma HB1236 will codify and reinforce in our law code the 10th Amendment and thus protect Oklahoma from any and ALL unconstitutional executive orders, court opinions, and legislation passed at the federal level. It reads as follows. 





A new section of law to be codified in the Oklahoma Statutes as Section 101 of Title 80, unless there is created a duplication in numbering, reads as follows:


The Legislature may review any executive order issued by the President of the United States, federal agency rule or federal congressional action to determine the constitutionality of the order, rule or action.  Upon recommendation from the Legislature, the Attorney General of this state shall review the order, rule or

action by the federal government to determine the constitutionality of the order, rule or action and whether the state should seek an exemption from the application of the order, rule or action or seek to have the order, rule or action declared unconstitutional.


SECTION 2.  It being immediately necessary for the preservation of the public peace, health or safety, an emergency is hereby declared to exist, by reason whereof this act shall take effect and be in full force from and after its passage and approval. 


However, there is ONE PROBLEMSenator Greg Treat refuses to allow this bill to be heard and it must be heard before Thursday or else the bill will be dead along with ALL of our freedoms. 


Why is RINO Senator Greg Treat so terrified and horrified to stand up against a tyrannical rouge government, an unelected president, and the satanic puppet masters of the world regarding our ability to keep and bear arms? Because he knows if he caves and allows the citizens of Oklahoma to exercise our right to nullify unconstitutional federal overreach regarding second amendment issues etc.,  he will have to do it for ALL unconstitutional measures; namely the unconstitutional court opinion of the federal SCOTUS Roe V. Wade! Therefore, we are issuing an...




Therefore, I am calling every God fearing American to 

• PRAY: for Senator Greg Treat to repent from his hardness of heart and political compromise 

• CONTACTCall and email Senator Treats office and demand he PROTECT OKLAHOMA'S RIGHTS and stop the assassins mace!

PHONE: 405.521.5632

• JOIN a multitude of God fearing American, Oklahoma citizens at the Oklahoma State Capitol Tuesday at 6 PM on the 4th floor of the rotunda. 


This is our reasonable response as followers of Christ and Americans who are living in this current season and time. Nullification is constitutional and our last options and hope to peacefuly stand against tyranny. It is not a word we should be afraid of but rather embrace for the safety and peace of our land! 


God Bless America!

Daniel Navejas, The Ekklesia of Oklahoma



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